Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New photos of Botanical Gardens trip

Thanks to Michele, we have a few more photos from the OSO trip to the Georgia Botanical Gardens. You can view the whole set of photos one at a time (click on one to see a larger version -- each photo has a few different sizes available for viewing or downloading). Or you can view a slideshow of the photos.

If you want to download photos for printing, choose the largest size available. If image quality is not well-suited for printing, let me know -- I can upload larger size (if I have the digital photo file).

Saturday, May 13, 2006

New helps for church leaders

Remember that you are not alone, even in the earthly sense. If you are a member of a committee or work area, and especially if you chair one, our " Resources for United Methodist Church Leaders " is here to help you. The page is a collection of pertinent and useful links, with the links grouped by church committee and work area.

New links are added throughout the year. In fact, since January, a whopping 37 new links have been added, some just today.

Have you checked out these valuable resources? You never know when an idea will be helpful or even spark one of your own. Run, don't walk to "Resources for United Methodist Church Leaders". There's even a section for the Pastor.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Chicken BBQ tastes great!

Youth helped in The PitWhile the financial results of the day or not yet in, the annual Chicken BBQ was a great success. Delivered dinners mushroomed from the planned 40 to about 250, which then meant a hurried trip by Marian to get more take-out containers. But deliveries went well, due to the tireless efforts of many people -- those who came early cook, those who helped prepare, stack, box, and bag the dinners, and those who delivered the meals.

We seemed to have more take-out dinners than eat-ins this year, but those who did dine in relished the delicious, tender BBQ chicken with fixins.

Then there were all the mouth-watering sweets -- cakes, pies, cookies, brownies ... mmmm. Those tables got heavy traffic and were "raided" pretty well.

And of course, the craft sale (added this year) had a ton of baubles, bangles, beads, and more ... something for everyone. The youth even put their bird housees on sale. If you didn't get one, contact us for information on how you can get one. Give a bird a home and help the youth too!

At Flickr, you can see the 44 BBQ day photos. [Or see as a BBQ 2006 slideshow]