Sunday, October 15, 2006

Lance blesses pets

Lance blesses Durfield hound BarneyLance blessed gathered pets on Sunday, October 15. The late afternoon sun warmed the pets' owners as Lance led the ceremony, which included a litany, hymn, and prayer before the blessing of each animal present.

Pets this year included dogs and cats of all sizes plus a pair of parakeets. The assembled menagerie was a bit more raucous than last year.

Intrigued by our church sign's simple "Pet Blessing" announcement of the event, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper contacted the church and then sent photographers to cover this popular annual event, now in its third year. The Monday paper's Metro section (DeKalb) had a half-page photo story and the AJC online includes 7 photos of this event.

You can view the photo set at our Flickr album or see it as a slide show.

The AJC also covered the Pet Blessing in its DeKalb section on Thursday, October 19th. [free registration and logon required]