Thursday, March 23, 2006

Persons back in Mulungwishi

Are you keeping track of news from David and Lori, missionaries to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo)? Read their news at their new "UMC Congo" blog. A new posting was made today.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

OSO trip to Blue Willow Inn

The Outings for Seniors and Others (OSO) group gathered Wednesday for a scrumptious Southern style buffet lunch at the Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle. Here are a few of the memories (click on a photo to see a larger version) ...
The groupBlue Willow Inn
Of course, they had to browse the Gift Shop too.
Gift Shop galsDiners

And after a hearty meal, there's nothin' better than a good ol' fashioned rocking chair...
[most photos by Marty]

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Congo missionary photos now online

Photos of life at the Methodist Seminary at the University of Katanga at Mulungwishi, D.R. Congo, are now available as a photo gallery and a slideshow. These are ones from David and Lori Persons and were actually taken from March to March, 2004. Most of these current ones are of seminary student wives, who themselves are students of the Doris Bartlett ("Mama Doris") Women's School.

The following links will always show you the latest photos posted at Flickr (a photo blog).